protected $signature = 'mq_ps:publish:send
{--info= : 请输入内容}';
php artisan mq_ps:publish:send --info=asdf
$tableNames = [
['地址表', 'address',],
['用户表', 'user',],
['商品表', 'goods',],
$this->table(['名称', '表名称'], $tableNames);
$tables = [
$table = $this->choice('选择一张执行的表?', $tables, '0');
$isExec = $this->confirm('您确认要执行表' . $table . '?', true);
$str = $this->option('info');
echo $str;
这样的输出,比使用print 和 dump 好多啦。
config配置项: yz_scaffold.php
return [ 'controller_path' => app_path('Http' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Controllers'), 'manager_path' => app_path('Managers'), 'service_path' => app_path('Services'), 'model_path' => app_path('Models'), 'validator_path'=>app_path('Validators'), ];
<?php namespace App\Console\Commands; use Illuminate\Console\Command; use Illuminate\Support\Str; class Create extends Command { /** * The name and signature of the console command. * * @var string */ protected $signature = 'create {--del_module= : delete module name} {--force : Overwrite any existing files}'; // 带有等号的 可以输入值 // {--action=create : action-name} 带有默认值 //不带有等号的,是一个选项 /** * The console command description. * * @var string */ protected $description = '脚手架项目'; private $connection; private $tableName; private $className; /** @var 项目根目录 */ private $basePath; /** @var 目录分割符号 */ const DS = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; private $fileDescription = ''; /** * Create a new command instance. * * @return void */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->basePath = base_path(); $this->ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } /** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { //删除 if ($this->option('del_module')) { $this->delModule($this->option('del_module')); exit; } $className = $this->ask('请输入要生成的类名:', ''); if (empty($className)) { $this->warn("要生成的类名不能为空"); exit; } $this->className = ucfirst($className); $this->question('要生成的类名是:' . $this->className); $this->fileDescription = $fileDescription = $this->ask('请简单描述-只支持英文:', ''); $this->question('描述信息信息是:' . $fileDescription); if (empty($fileDescription)) { $this->warn("描述不能为空"); exit; } $connection = $this->ask('请输入Model关联的连接 Connection:', ''); if (empty($connection)) { $connection = 'mysql'; } $this->connection = $connection; $this->info('connection:' . $connection); $tableName = $this->ask('请输入类对应的表名(可以为空):', ''); if (empty($tableName)) { $tableName = $className; } $this->tableName = $tableName = Str::snake($tableName); $this->info('Model关联的表是:' . $tableName); //创建控制器 $this->createController(); $this->createModel(); $this->createManager(); $this->createService(); $this->createRequest(); } private function createController() { $controllerStub = <<<'TOT' <?php namespace --namespace--; use App\Http\Requests\--controllerName--Request; use --manageNamespace--\--controllerName--Manager; /** * --fileDescription-- * Class --controllerName-- * @package App\Http\Controllers * @date --datetime-- */ class --controllerName--Controller extends ApiController { /** * * add * @param --controllerName--Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse * * @date --datetime-- */ public function add(--controllerName--Request $request) { $param = $request->all(); $result = $this->getManager()->add($param); return $this->showJson($result); } /** * * update * @param --controllerName--Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse * * @date --datetime-- */ public function update(--controllerName--Request $request) { $id = $request->input('id'); $param = $request->except('id'); $result = $this->getManager()->update($id, $param); return $this->showJson($result); } /** * * getList * @param --controllerName--Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse * * @date --datetime-- */ public function getList(--controllerName--Request $request) { $rules = [ ]; $data = $request->except(['pageNumber', 'pageSize']); $where = $this->where($rules, $this->filterData($data)); $pageNumber = $request->input('pageNumber', 1); $pageSize = $request->input('pageSize', 10); $result = $this->getManager()->getList($where, self::LIST_FIELDS, $pageSize, $pageNumber); return $this->showJson($result); } /** * * del * @param --controllerName--Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse * * @date --datetime-- */ public function del(--controllerName--Request $request) { $id = $request->input('id'); $result = $this->getManager()->del($id); return $this->showJson($result); } /** * * getManager * @return --controllerName--Manager * * @date --datetime-- */ public function getManager() { return new --controllerName--Manager(); } } TOT; $controllerPath = config('yz_scaffold.controller_path'); $controllerPath = app_path() . str_replace(app_path(), '', $controllerPath); $currentNameSpace = $this->calculationNameSpace($controllerPath); $managerNameSpace = $this->calculationNameSpace(config('yz_scaffold.manager_path')); $content = str_replace([ '--controllerName--', '--datetime--', '--namespace--', '--manageNamespace--', '--fileDescription--' ], [$this->className, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $currentNameSpace, $managerNameSpace, $this->fileDescription], $controllerStub); //判断如果存在,则提醒用户是否覆盖 $controllerFile = $controllerPath . self::DS . $this->className . 'Controller.php'; $createFlag = true; if (file_exists($controllerFile) && !$this->option('force')) { //提示用户是否替换,如果不 则不生成 $createFlag = $this->confirm($this->className . 'Controller.php' . ' 文件已存在,是否替换'); } if (!$createFlag) { return false; } $fileSize = file_put_contents($controllerFile, $content); $this->info($controllerFile . ' 文件创建成功' . $fileSize); } private function createRequest() { $validatorStub = <<<'TOT' <?php namespace --namespace--; use App\Components\Core\FormRequest; /** * --fileDescription-- * Class --validateName--Validator * @date --datetime-- */ class --validateName--Validator extends FormRequest { protected $update = [ ]; protected $del = [ ]; } TOT; $validatorPath = config('yz_scaffold.validator_path'); $validatorPath = app_path() . str_replace(app_path(), '', $validatorPath); $currentNameSpace = $this->calculationNameSpace($validatorPath); $content = str_replace([ '--validateName--', '--datetime--', '--namespace--', '--fileDescription--' ], [$this->className, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $currentNameSpace, $this->fileDescription], $validatorStub); //判断如果存在,则提醒用户是否覆盖 $createFile = $validatorPath . self::DS . $this->className . 'Validator.php'; $createFlag = true; if (file_exists($createFile) && !$this->option('force')) { //提示用户是否替换,如果不 则不生成 $createFlag = $this->confirm($this->className . 'Validator.php' . ' 文件已存在,是否替换'); } if (!$createFlag) { return false; } $fileSize = file_put_contents($createFile, $content); $this->info($createFile . ' 文件创建成功' . $fileSize); } private function createManager() { $managerStub = <<<'TOT' <?php namespace --managerName--; use App\Components\Core\DatabaseManager; use App\Components\Core\DatabaseService; use --serviceNamespace--\--managerName--Service; /** * --fileDescription-- * Class --managerName--Manager * @date --datetime-- */ class --managerName--Manager extends DatabaseManager { public function getService(): DatabaseService { return new --managerName--Service(); } } TOT; $managerPath = config('yz_scaffold.manager_path'); $managerPath = app_path() . str_replace(app_path(), '', $managerPath); $currentNameSpace = $this->calculationNameSpace($managerPath); $serviceNamespace = $this->calculationNameSpace(config('yz_scaffold.service_path')); $content = str_replace([ '--managerName--', '--datetime--', '--namespace--', '--serviceNamespace--', '--fileDescription--' ], [$this->className, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $currentNameSpace, $serviceNamespace, $this->fileDescription], $managerStub); //判断如果存在,则提醒用户是否覆盖 $createFile = $managerPath . self::DS . $this->className . 'Manager.php'; $createFlag = true; if (file_exists($createFile) && !$this->option('force')) { //提示用户是否替换,如果不 则不生成 $createFlag = $this->confirm($this->className . 'Manager.php' . ' 文件已存在,是否替换'); } if (!$createFlag) { return false; } $fileSize = file_put_contents($createFile, $content); $this->info($createFile . ' 文件创建成功' . $fileSize); } /** * 创建service * createService * @return bool * */ private function createService() { $serviceStub = <<<'TOT' <?php namespace --namespace--; use App\Components\Core\DatabaseService; use App\Components\Core\Model; use --modelNamespace--\--serviceName--Model; /** * --fileDescription-- * Class --serviceName--Service * @date --datetime-- */ class --serviceName--Service extends DatabaseService { /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getModel(): Model { return new --serviceName--Model(); } } TOT; $servicePath = config('yz_scaffold.service_path'); $servicePath = app_path() . str_replace(app_path(), '', $servicePath); $modelNamespace = $this->calculationNameSpace(config('yz_scaffold.model_path')); $currentNameSpace = $this->calculationNameSpace($servicePath); $content = str_replace([ '--serviceName--', '--datetime--', '--namespace--', '--modelNamespace--', '--fileDescription--' ], [$this->className, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $currentNameSpace, $modelNamespace, $this->fileDescription], $serviceStub); //判断如果存在,则提醒用户是否覆盖 $createFile = $servicePath . self::DS . $this->className . 'Service.php'; $createFlag = true; if (file_exists($createFile) && !$this->option('force')) { //提示用户是否替换,如果不 则不生成 $createFlag = $this->confirm($this->className . 'Service.php' . ' 文件已存在,是否替换'); } if (!$createFlag) { return false; } $fileSize = file_put_contents($createFile, $content); $this->info($createFile . ' 文件创建成功' . $fileSize); } /** * 创建model * createModel * @return bool * */ private function createModel() { $modelSub = <<<'TOT' <?php namespace --namespace--; use App\Components\Core\Model; /** * --fileDescription-- * Class --modelName--Model * @date --datetime-- */ class --modelName--Model extends Model{ protected $table='--tableName--'; protected $connection='--connectionName--'; } TOT; $modelPath = config('yz_scaffold.model_path'); $modelPath = app_path() . str_replace(app_path(), '', $modelPath); $currentNameSpace = $this->calculationNameSpace($modelPath); $content = str_replace([ '--modelName--', '--datetime--', '--namespace--', '--connectionName--', '--fileDescription--', '--tableName--' ], [ $this->className, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $currentNameSpace, $this->connection, $this->fileDescription, $this->tableName ], $modelSub); //判断如果存在,则提醒用户是否覆盖 $createFile = $modelPath . self::DS . $this->className . 'Model.php'; $createFlag = true; if (file_exists($createFile) && !$this->option('force')) { //提示用户是否替换,如果不 则不生成 $createFlag = $this->confirm($this->className . 'Model.php' . ' 文件已存在,是否替换'); } if (!$createFlag) { return false; } $fileSize = file_put_contents($createFile, $content); $this->info($createFile . ' 文件创建成功' . $fileSize); } /** * 根据路径计算命名空间 * calculationNameSpace * * @date 2020/5/7 21:04 * @param $path * @return string */ private function calculationNameSpace($path) { //计算根目录 app path $basePath = app_path(); $tempPath = str_replace(['/', '\\'], self::DS, str_replace($basePath, '', $path)); return "App" . self::DS . trim($tempPath, self::DS); } /** * 删除创建的模块 * delModule * @param $module * * @date 2020/5/7 22:32 */ private function delModule($module) { $path = config('yz_scaffold.controller_path'); $path = app_path() . str_replace(app_path(), '', $path); $file = $path . self::DS . ucfirst($module) . 'Controller.php'; file_exists($file) && unlink($file) && $this->info($file . ' 删除成功'); $path = config('yz_scaffold.service_path'); $path = app_path() . str_replace(app_path(), '', $path); $file = $path . self::DS . ucfirst($module) . 'Service.php'; file_exists($file) && unlink($file) && $this->info($file . ' 删除成功'); $path = config('yz_scaffold.manager_path'); $path = app_path() . str_replace(app_path(), '', $path); $file = $path . self::DS . ucfirst($module) . 'Manager.php'; file_exists($file) && unlink($file) && $this->info($file . ' 删除成功'); $path = config('yz_scaffold.validator_path'); $path = app_path() . str_replace(app_path(), '', $path); $file = $path . self::DS . ucfirst($module) . 'Validator.php'; file_exists($file) && unlink($file) && $this->info($file . ' 删除成功'); $path = config('yz_scaffold.model_path'); $path = app_path() . str_replace(app_path(), '', $path); $file = $path . self::DS . ucfirst($module) . 'Model.php'; file_exists($file) && unlink($file) && $this->info($file . ' 删除成功'); $this->info($this->option('del_module') . '模块删除成功'); } }
<?php namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console; use Illuminate\Console\Command; use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem; use Illuminate\Support\Arr; use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider; use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local as LocalAdapter; use League\Flysystem\Filesystem as Flysystem; use League\Flysystem\MountManager; class VendorPublishCommand extends Command { /** * The filesystem instance. * * @var \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem */ protected $files; /** * The provider to publish. * * @var string */ protected $provider = null; /** * The tags to publish. * * @var array */ protected $tags = []; /** * The console command signature. * * @var string */ protected $signature = 'vendor:publish {--force : Overwrite any existing files} {--all : Publish assets for all service providers without prompt} {--provider= : The service provider that has assets you want to publish} {--tag=* : One or many tags that have assets you want to publish}'; /** * The console command description. * * @var string */ protected $description = 'Publish any publishable assets from vendor packages'; /** * Create a new command instance. * * @param \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem $files * @return void */ public function __construct(Filesystem $files) { parent::__construct(); $this->files = $files; } /** * Execute the console command. * * @return void */ public function handle() { $this->determineWhatShouldBePublished(); foreach ($this->tags ?: [null] as $tag) { $this->publishTag($tag); } $this->info('Publishing complete.'); } /** * Determine the provider or tag(s) to publish. * * @return void */ protected function determineWhatShouldBePublished() { if ($this->option('all')) { return; } [$this->provider, $this->tags] = [ $this->option('provider'), (array) $this->option('tag'), ]; if (! $this->provider && ! $this->tags) { $this->promptForProviderOrTag(); } } /** * Prompt for which provider or tag to publish. * * @return void */ protected function promptForProviderOrTag() { $choice = $this->choice( "Which provider or tag's files would you like to publish?", $choices = $this->publishableChoices() ); if ($choice == $choices[0] || is_null($choice)) { return; } $this->parseChoice($choice); } /** * The choices available via the prompt. * * @return array */ protected function publishableChoices() { return array_merge( ['<comment>Publish files from all providers and tags listed below</comment>'], preg_filter('/^/', '<comment>Provider: </comment>', Arr::sort(ServiceProvider::publishableProviders())), preg_filter('/^/', '<comment>Tag: </comment>', Arr::sort(ServiceProvider::publishableGroups())) ); } /** * Parse the answer that was given via the prompt. * * @param string $choice * @return void */ protected function parseChoice($choice) { [$type, $value] = explode(': ', strip_tags($choice)); if ($type === 'Provider') { $this->provider = $value; } elseif ($type === 'Tag') { $this->tags = [$value]; } } /** * Publishes the assets for a tag. * * @param string $tag * @return mixed */ protected function publishTag($tag) { $published = false; foreach ($this->pathsToPublish($tag) as $from => $to) { $this->publishItem($from, $to); $published = true; } if ($published === false) { $this->error('Unable to locate publishable resources.'); } } /** * Get all of the paths to publish. * * @param string $tag * @return array */ protected function pathsToPublish($tag) { return ServiceProvider::pathsToPublish( $this->provider, $tag ); } /** * Publish the given item from and to the given location. * * @param string $from * @param string $to * @return void */ protected function publishItem($from, $to) { if ($this->files->isFile($from)) { return $this->publishFile($from, $to); } elseif ($this->files->isDirectory($from)) { return $this->publishDirectory($from, $to); } $this->error("Can't locate path: <{$from}>"); } /** * Publish the file to the given path. * * @param string $from * @param string $to * @return void */ protected function publishFile($from, $to) { if (! $this->files->exists($to) || $this->option('force')) { $this->createParentDirectory(dirname($to)); $this->files->copy($from, $to); $this->status($from, $to, 'File'); } } /** * Publish the directory to the given directory. * * @param string $from * @param string $to * @return void */ protected function publishDirectory($from, $to) { $this->moveManagedFiles(new MountManager([ 'from' => new Flysystem(new LocalAdapter($from)), 'to' => new Flysystem(new LocalAdapter($to)), ])); $this->status($from, $to, 'Directory'); } /** * Move all the files in the given MountManager. * * @param \League\Flysystem\MountManager $manager * @return void */ protected function moveManagedFiles($manager) { foreach ($manager->listContents('from://', true) as $file) { if ($file['type'] === 'file' && (! $manager->has('to://'.$file['path']) || $this->option('force'))) { $manager->put('to://'.$file['path'], $manager->read('from://'.$file['path'])); } } } /** * Create the directory to house the published files if needed. * * @param string $directory * @return void */ protected function createParentDirectory($directory) { if (! $this->files->isDirectory($directory)) { $this->files->makeDirectory($directory, 0755, true); } } /** * Write a status message to the console. * * @param string $from * @param string $to * @param string $type * @return void */ protected function status($from, $to, $type) { $from = str_replace(base_path(), '', realpath($from)); $to = str_replace(base_path(), '', realpath($to)); $this->line('<info>Copied '.$type.'</info> <comment>['.$from.']</comment> <info>To</info> <comment>['.$to.']</comment>'); } }