在开发中,项目上传到github上后,.md文档 写的不是特别标准,也不知道怎么写!
Authentication ============== Many requests that you make will require authentication of some type. Requests includes support out of the box for HTTP Basic authentication, with more built-ins coming soon. Making a Basic authenticated call is ridiculously easy: ```php $options = array( 'auth' => new Requests_Auth_Basic(array('user', 'password')) ); Requests::get('http://httpbin.org/basic-auth/user/password', array(), $options); ``` As Basic authentication is usually what you want when you specify a username and password, you can also just pass in an array as a shorthand: ```php $options = array( 'auth' => array('user', 'password') ); Requests::get('http://httpbin.org/basic-auth/user/password', array(), $options); ``` Note that POST/PUT can also take a data parameter, so you also need that before `$options`: ```php Requests::post('http://httpbin.org/basic-auth/user/password', array(), null, $options); ```
# 一级目录
## 二级目录
### 三级目录
# 1级标题
## 2级标题
### 3级标题
#### 四级标题
##### 五级标题
###### 六级标题
*强调文本* _强调文本_
**加粗文本** __加粗文本__
> 引用文本
H~2~O is是液体。
2^10^ 运算结果是 1024。
- 项目
* 项目
+ 项目
1. 项目1
2. 项目2
3. 项目3
- [ ] 计划任务
- [x] 完成任务
链接: [link](https://www.csdn.net/).
图片: ![Alt](https://imgconvert.csdnimg.cn/aHR0cHM6Ly9hdmF0YXIuY3Nkbi5uZXQvNy83L0IvMV9yYWxmX2h4MTYzY29tLmpwZw)
带尺寸的图片: ![Alt](https://imgconvert.csdnimg.cn/aHR0cHM6Ly9hdmF0YXIuY3Nkbi5uZXQvNy83L0IvMV9yYWxmX2h4MTYzY29tLmpwZw =30x30)
居中的图片: ![Alt](https://imgconvert.csdnimg.cn/aHR0cHM6Ly9hdmF0YXIuY3Nkbi5uZXQvNy83L0IvMV9yYWxmX2h4MTYzY29tLmpwZw#pic_center)
居中并且带尺寸的图片: ![Alt](https://imgconvert.csdnimg.cn/aHR0cHM6Ly9hdmF0YXIuY3Nkbi5uZXQvNy83L0IvMV9yYWxmX2h4MTYzY29tLmpwZw#pic_center =30x30)
// A code block
var foo = 'bar';
// An highlighted block
var foo = 'bar';
项目 | Value
-------- | -----
电脑 | $1600
手机 | $12
导管 | $1
| Column 1 | Column 2 |
|:--------:| -------------:|
| centered 文本居中 | right-aligned 文本居右 |
[^1]: 注脚的解释
张三 ->> 李四: 你好!李四, 最近怎么样?
李四-->>王五: 你最近怎么样,王五?
李四--x 张三: 我很好,谢谢!
李四-x 王五: 我很好,谢谢!
Note right of 王五: 李四想了很长时间, 文字太长了<br/>不适合放在一行.
李四-->>张三: 打量着王五...
张三->>王五: 很好... 王五, 你怎么样?
Goals ===== 1. **Simple interface** Requests is designed to provide a simple, unified interface to making requests, regardless of what is available on the system. This means not worrying. 2. **Fully tested code** Requests strives to have 90%+ code coverage from the unit tests, aiming for the ideal 100%. Introducing new features always means introducing new tests (Note: some parts of the code are not covered by design. These sections are marked with `@codeCoverageIgnore` tags)
Documentation ============= If you're here, you're looking for documentation for Requests! The documents here are prose; you might also want to check out the [API documentation][]. [API documentation]: http://requests.ryanmccue.info/api/ * Introduction * [Goals][goals] * [Why should I use Requests instead of X?][why-requests] * Usage * [Making a request][usage] * [Advanced usage][usage-advanced] * [Authenticating your request][authentication] * Advanced Usage * [Custom authentication][authentication-custom] * [Requests through proxy][proxy] * [Hooking system][hooks] [goals]: goals.md [why-requests]: why-requests.md [usage]: usage.md [usage-advanced]: usage-advanced.md [authentication]: authentication.md [authentication-custom]: authentication-custom.md [hooks]: hooks.md [proxy]: proxy.md
Usage ===== Ready to go? Make sure you have Requests installed before attempting any of the steps in this guide. Loading Requests ---------------- Before we can load Requests up, we'll need to make sure it's loaded. This is a simple two-step: ```php // First, include Requests include('/path/to/library/Requests.php'); // Next, make sure Requests can load internal classes Requests::register_autoloader(); ```
通过上面的简单的描述,我们清楚的知道 标题 二级标题 代码块、以及 标题加粗 前面小圆点 如何制作,如果需要时,直接查看此文档即可。
github md文件的编写
# Captcha for Lumen 本项目修改自 [Captcha for Laravel 5](https://github.com/mewebstudio/captcha). ## 预览效果图 ![Preview](http://i.imgur.com/HYtr744.png) ## 安装 * 项目必须启用缓存才能使用,因为验证码和验证码绑定的uuid都是保存在缓存的。 project's `composer.json`. ```json composer require aishan/lumen-captcha ``` or ```json { "require": { "laravel/lumen-framework": "5.3.*", "aishan/lumen-captcha": "v1.3" }, "minimum-stability": "dev" } ```
## 使用范例 因为lumen一般写的都是无状态的API,所以此处验证码的图片必须绑定一个uuid,获取图片验证码时,先获取验证码url地址和uuid,然后在验证时,提交验证码和uuid一并验证码。 ### 生成验证码 获取验证码信息: ``` {站点域名}/captchaInfo/{type?} ``` 其中`type`就是在配置文件中定义的验证码类型(如果你定义了的话),当然也可以不指定`type`,则默认为`default`,返回信息: ```json { "code": "10000", "msg": "success", "sub_code": "", "sub_msg": "", "result": { "captchaUrl": "{站点域名}/captcha/default/fc1d7d7f-3d8c-652a-5e92-90e9822740ad", "captchaUuid": "fc1d7d7f-3d8c-652a-5e92-90e9822740ad" } } ``` `captchaUrl`为验证码图片地址,`captchaUuid`为绑定验证码图片的uuid。
## Links * [Intervention Image](https://github.com/Intervention/image) * [L5 Captcha on Github](https://github.com/mewebstudio/captcha) * [L5 Captcha on Packagist](https://packagist.org/packages/mews/captcha) * [For L4 on Github](https://github.com/mewebstudio/captcha/tree/master-l4) * [License](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) * [Laravel website](http://laravel.com) * [Laravel Turkiye website](http://www.laravel.gen.tr) * [MeWebStudio website](http://www.mewebstudio.com)